Beach baptism has been postponed due to expected storms…
more info to follow Sunday morning

Welcome to
Calvary Chapel Lowcountry

Catch a CCL Service Live!

Check out CCL on Sundays at 10:30 am (livestream) and our midweek service  at Wednesdays at 7:00 pm (livestream). And of course we would love to have you for a service in-person if you can! Streams are also available on our YouTube channel and FaceBook page.

Catch  a CCL Service in Person 

Come and check us out for a Sunday or Wednesday service in person or online.
We are a causal and easygoing group who love to worship God, learn from His word and come together as a community. 


Sunday Gatherings at 10:30am and Wednesday Gatherings at 7:00pm

Who is Calvary Chapel Lowcountry?

Calvary Chapel Lowcountry - CCL  for short - is a Bible-centered church fellowship who desires to serve God. We are associated with the greater Calvary Chapel movement started by Chuck Smith and are aligned with it's casual culture, Biblical emphasis, and focus on living more like Jesus.

Would you like to connect with our Welcome Team? 

We have friends that would love to reach out to greet you and welcome you to our church. If you have any questions about our church, this is a great way to get to know us a little. Our desire is that you would be in fellowship wherever the Lord has called you! God Bless.